We have a babbling moron in power. I had never been so afraid to be an American than during the 2000 elections, when I realized there were actually people taking Bush seriously. I could not fathom how such a blubbering moron could have such a following. One day it hit me: Religion. Christianity in specific.
Certain people are already mad without even learning what this is about. I can't say it's Christianity in specific, because it's not. Jesus had the right ideas. Good guy. What I don't like is what Christians, in general, do. They listen to the head of their church to figure out what's right and wrong. From what I've seen this is the biggest attraction to organized religion in general. "I'm so uncertain about the afterlife. After all, when I die and leave this world, whatever's next lasts for eternity.", one would think, and later,"Wait a minute - this guy at East First Babtist Church[apologies if that's an actual place] will
tell me how to live and what to think, and can tell me for sure that I'm getting into heaven. Yay."
Before I proceed, I need to say something - If I talk about a group of people, you are in that group and what I say doesn't apply to you, GET OVER YOURSELF, You're apparently not that special. Just kidding on that last one. When referring to any group, I will be talking about the general behaviours I have witnessed. I may fall short, as I can't possibly observe everything all the time, and I certainly expect there to be variations withing every single group. You know whether what I'm saying does or doesn't apply to you.
Going on: I have noticed, with spiritual leaders vying for ratings (really! not enough worshippers in a place, it can't sustain itself) church leaders are increasingly feeding on the human instinct of conflict. That's what makes it easier to blame groups, so long as they're not of our church, how dare we find fault within, for societal woes.
I don't understand the gay-marriage constitutional amendment. I'm not gay myself, but at the same time, shouldn't marriage be recognized by two people who love one another? Wasn't the constitution designed to
protect our rights, not take them away? People will argue that there can be no procreation in a gay marriage, but straight people go into marriages infirtile, or get "fixed" later. It's percieved as a threat, to what I don't know.
I heard some zealot call a radio station morning show recently, about the new
Harry Potter book. I have read all the books and have never tried to practice magic as in the books. There are no references to Satan in the books at all. There have
certainly been children's books before that feature magic. So why the fuss about Harry Potter? The books are selling better than any books in history, including the BIBLE, and may soon top the all-time charts over the erroneous King James Bible
Erroneous? Surely you jest, the book is perfect in every way. Nope. See all those italicized words? Those are mistranslations or guesses at best. The best example being "Thou shalt not suffer a
witch to live" when it should have been "poisoner". When translating the use of herbs and plants for healing was looked at as evil, and those people were called witches, but also poisoners for using the plants. They picked the wrong word, and hundreds of people were tortured and burned alive. The Bible ain't perfect.
Since Jesus was such a peaceful, wise man, it amazes me that his followers can be such angry numnuts out to condemn everything that's not them. What happens to me after this world is a whole lot bigger than these people can comprehend, and what happens to my soul isn't up to any of these people. Besides, who wants an eternity with them?